every-minute-countsMAL ID: 40833
Anime Title: Inu-to-Neko-Docchi-mo-Katteru-to-Mainichi-Tanoshii
Anime Title: Inu-to-Neko-Docchi-mo-Katteru-to-Mainichi-Tanoshii
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Every Minute Counts: 1×7
Six hours after the earthquake, Chave and Pepín find themselves caught off guard by a crucial decision. In Tlatelolco, the relentless efforts and hours spent removing rubble are paying off; Gabriela and Alberto are getting closer to their children. Beto searches for a way out, while Pablo and Lucía hold on as best they can. Meanwhile, in the hospital rubble, the nurses begin to lose hope.
Episode Title:01:00 PM
Serie:Every Minute Counts