every-minute-countsMAL ID: 40833
Anime Title: Inu-to-Neko-Docchi-mo-Katteru-to-Mainichi-Tanoshii
Anime Title: Inu-to-Neko-Docchi-mo-Katteru-to-Mainichi-Tanoshii
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Every Minute Counts: 1×2
A year earlier, Camila tells her family about her dream of becoming a journalist and leaves Guadalajara. In 1985, an hour after the earthquake, signs of life are found under the rubble at the General Hospital. Gabriela, worried about her children, heads back to Tlatelolco amidst the chaos. Meanwhile, Camila discovers a group of women trapped in a garment factory.
Episode Title:8:00 AM
Serie:Every Minute Counts